A coach inspires, guides, and helps unlock the potential in each team member. They empower their team, helping each person grow professionally and personally within the organization.
But what does it really mean to be a coach in a managerial role? How can managers balance their responsibilities with the nuances of coaching? And what key skills should manager-coaches possess? This eBook aims to demystify the concept of the manager-as-coach and provide practical strategies for enhancing coaching skills.
This eBook will break down the five core coaching skills that every manager should have:
Ready to embark on this journey of transformation from manager to coach? Grab your free copy now!
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Cost: $2000 for virtual sessions with access to the NumlyEngage™ Platform to practice live coaching
Cost: $1500 for 6 sessions or $2000 for 12 sessions (Within 12-months of Subscription Registration)