Numly Joins NVIDIA Inception Program



Insights from a Seattle Entrepreneur: how to leverage AI-powered Digital Marketing to drive business growth

Learn how Madhukar Govindraju, a Seattle entrepreneur leveraged AI-powered Digital Marketing to build a powerful marketing engine.

Revolutionizing Coaching with AI: A Conversation with Madhukar Govindaraju, CEO of Numly, Inc.

In this video learn how Numly™, Inc. the provider of NumlyEngage™ world’s first AI-enabled, Coaching and Connected Leader Development Platform is disrupting the Employee Learning and Development Experience in companies with an Employee Coaching Network and Upskilling Platform for global teams.
Numly™ has been a development partner to Celestial Systems across key technologies like data management, analytics, machine learning, and AI among others.

Science of Mentorship

Mentorship is a science that has not been clearly defined. Through Shawn's heart felt experience and research he has found kernels of truth that define coaching & mentorship and displays the application of his findings. From this engaging talk and diagrams you will walk away with the what, why, when, and how the Science of Mentorship works.

How to Get a Mentor

Mentoring and career expert, Professor Ellen Ensher, Ph.D., discusses tips on how to get a coach/mentor during a TEDx talk at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA.

How to Find the Person Who Can Help You Get Ahead at Work

The workplace is often presented as a meritocracy, where you can succeed by putting your head down and working hard. Wall Street veteran Carla Harris learned early in her career that this a myth. The key to actually getting ahead? Get a sponsor: a person who will speak on your behalf in the top-level, closed-door meetings you're not invited to (yet). Learn how to identify and develop a productive sponsor relationship in this candid, powerful talk.

5 1/2 Mentors That Will Change Your Life

Mentorship/Coaching isn't something that is done to you. Rather, it is something you do for yourself, with the help of other people. Doug has unlocked the secret of mentorship/coaching in the digital age and has used it to develop more (and faster) than he ever thought possible.

Millennials Need a Mentor in the Workplace

Millennials should not expect their workplace to cater to an individual's unique skills, but workplace managers should also recognize that millennials do have initiative and other extraordinary talents, if managers just take time to show them the ropes.

Employee Engagement

The New World of Employee Experience: Where The Engagement Market Is Going (2019)

In this talk, Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst, reveals the state of art methodologies and technological trends that will define the employee experience over the next decade. Josh provides guidance on the future of employee experience, recommending approaches to take today in order to prepare. As the best workplaces move into the next era of intelligent engagement, Josh reveals the methodologies, technologies and approaches that you should be applying within your organization through the lens of what he calls Engagement 3.0.

Frientorship: The Solution To The Employee Engagement Problem

Claudia, Founder of The Human Zone, talks about Frientorship, an individual and team development model that encompasses key principles of friendship, coaching and leadership to bring out the best in people, teams and organizations. Here, she talks about how by capturing these key principles, organizations can increase employee engagement and build thriving workplace cultures.

Employee Engagement - Who's Sinking Your Boat?

7 out of 10 employees are disengaged, and 2 out of 10 are actually trying to sink your boat. Learn this employee engagement research and know what engaged employers can do to keep their organizations afloat.

How to Make Millennials Want to Work for You

Should business leaders fear the influx of Millennials working for them? In this talk, Keevin O'Rourke offers insights into what Millennials believe about work and how to make the most of what his generation has to offer 21st-century employers.

Continuous Learning

Lifelong Learning - Your Competitive Advantage

In this video, Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice, challenges HR leaders to reimagine lifelong learning. She offers some guidance on how prepare for the skills of the future workforce.

The Infinite Game

In this video, the best-selling author, Simon Sinek, offers a new approach to winning at the game of leadership. Simon distinguishes between two different types of games: finite and infinite. He believes that leaders who embrace an infinite mindset build stronger, more innovative and more inspiring organizations.

For Women at Work

Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite.

The Career Advice You Probably Didn’t Get

You're doing everything right at work, taking all the right advice, but you're just not moving up. Why? Susan Colantuono shares a simple, surprising piece of advice you might not have heard before quite so plainly. This talk, while aimed at an audience of women, has universal takeaways -- for men and women, new grads and mid-career workers.

For the Leaders

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety, especially in an uneven economy, means taking on big responsibility.

What Does It Mean to Be a Mentor?

"True mentorship/coaching, like true friendship, is not a one-way street" says Simon. Both parties involved giving and learning from each other is what true mentorship/coaching is about. He explains beautifully how you can't ask a stranger to be your coach & mentor. You have to cultivate a relationship first.